Sunday 9 July 2023

The Paradoxical Consumption of Animals: A Closer Look at Selective Dietary Choices

In today's world, dietary preferences and choices are subject to ongoing debates and personal reflections. Some individuals opt for a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle out of deep concerns for animal welfare, while others exhibit selective consumption habits, excluding specific animals from their diets. In this blog post, we delve into the intriguing paradox of individuals who claim to care about animals but willingly consume a wide range of meats, with one notable exception: the cow or cats or dogs!

The Paradox of Selective Animal Consumption:

It is not uncommon to encounter individuals who choose to exclude cow meat from their diets, often citing religious or cultural reasons. Cows hold a sacred status in several religious practices, symbolizing reverence, sustenance, and harmony. However, what raises questions is the discrepancy between the exclusion of cow meat and the consumption of other animals without apparent ethical concerns.

Selective Ethical Considerations:

A significant point to ponder is the underlying rationale behind such selective ethical considerations. By abstaining from cow meat, do individuals imply that other animals are somehow less deserving of ethical treatment? This paradox raises thought-provoking questions about the arbitrary nature of dietary choices and the varying degrees of empathy extended towards different species.

Influence of Cultural Factors:

Cultural and societal influences significantly shape our eating habits, often dictating which animals are considered acceptable for consumption and which are not. Many societies have long-standing traditions and customs associated with specific animals, which can play a pivotal role in this paradox. The exclusion of cow meat may be a result of adhering to cultural practices, without necessarily reflecting upon the broader implications of selective animal consumption.

Environmental Implications:

Considering the environmental impact is also crucial when discussing selective animal consumption. The livestock industry is a known contributor to issues such as greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and other environmental concerns. Individuals who exclude cows from their diets may believe they are reducing their ecological footprint. However, it is important to acknowledge that other animals, albeit to a lesser extent, also contribute to environmental degradation. Thus, selective animal consumption may present a somewhat misguided perception of environmental responsibility.

Challenging Hypocrisy:

While respecting cultural and religious practices is essential, it is equally vital to introspect and question our own beliefs and actions. The paradox surrounding the consumption of all animals except cows calls for self-reflection and consistent ethical decision-making. If we genuinely care about animal welfare, it is crucial to extend our empathy and ethical considerations to all living beings, rather than singling out a few.


The paradoxical consumption habits of individuals who exclude cow meat from their diets raise intriguing questions about the selective nature of dietary choices. Cultural, religious, and environmental factors play significant roles in shaping these preferences. To strive for a more compassionate and ethical world, it is important to critically evaluate the beliefs and practices that influence our behaviors. By doing so, we can foster a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all living beings and make more consistent, empathetic choices in our daily lives.

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Living a life of solitude!

In a world where social engagement is often considered the norm, the thought of being alone might be seen as unusual or even undesirable. But, for some people, solitude is a way of life, a choice they have taken to pursue their own happiness. I can attest to the fact that being able to live alone and thrive is a superpower as someone who has been seeking isolation for almost two decades.

Contrary to popular opinion, not everyone thinks that everyone can find someone to love them. Some individuals, like myself, thrive in solitude and can go for extended periods of time without interacting with others. Even though they are uncommon, these people do exist and can successfully navigate through life. However, society frequently leaves these people with scars that make them feel like outcasts. But why bother with the uneducated and haughty attitudes of society? Why not start over in a another country, leaving everything and everyone behind?

Living alone is a preference, not a sin. If you choose to spend your entire life alone, that is acceptable. While the bulk of people in society want for companionship or someone by their side, this does not exclude us from finding lasting happiness on our own. It is absolutely OK to seek happiness in your own way without harming others.

There are countless things you can do and become in this world. The secret is to be authentic and make an effort. People don't deserve someone like you if they don't like you for that. And although being in a relationship at some point in our lives may be enjoyable, it need not last a lifetime. We avoid partnerships occasionally because we have unrealistic expectations of what the other person can provide.

In conclusion, while being a seeker of isolation may not be for everyone, for those that do, it may be a lovely experience. It serves as a reminder that we are not always required to act in accordance with social norms or expectations. Alternatively, we can forge our own course, stay true to who we are, and go after what makes us happy even if that means going it alone.


Friday 17 January 2020

Age Doesn't matter!

Do you ever have the impression that life has already been planned out for you? like you're required to go along a particular road without thinking twice? Maybe without anyone asking if you were mentally prepared, you were instructed what to study, when to get married, and even when to have children. Although this sentiment is widespread, the truth is that we have the power to make our lives beautiful. And there is never a bad time to go after your dreams.

The clock starts ticking as soon as we enter this planet, serving as a constant reminder of how short our time is here. Sadly, a lot of us are unaware of this. We frequently allow society or our families run our lives, and as a result, we feel as though we've lost the opportunity to accomplish our ambitions. Yet, the truth is that you may always try again and pursue your goals.

Never let your age stand in the way of attaining your ambitions. No of your age or previous professional history, you can succeed. Consider Johanna Ouaas as an illustration. She is the oldest gymnast still competing in the world at the age of 86, and her name is even listed in the Guinness Book of World Records. Nicola Griffin, for example, who began modeling at age 53 and has had considerable success.

The key message is that there is never a bad time to pursue your goals. We shouldn't waste time pretending to be happy or blaming fate because time does not wait for anyone. It's up to you to take initiative and make adjustments if you're unhappy with your life as it now is. No matter what other people may say, it's never too late to pursue your goals and succeed. You are the only one who is keeping you back.

So, stop for a moment and consider what you really want out of life. What dreams and passions do you have? What would actually bring you joy? Take action after that. Even while it might not be simple, it's never too late to try again and pursue

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Is Brain Resembles Universe?

Is Brain Resembles Universe?

There are two objects which are most complicated and not yet fully understood! One is the Universe and another is Human Brain!

Christof Koch, a leading researcher on the mind, has famously called the mind the most complicated object in the known world. It's not difficult to see why this may be true. With a hundred thousand neurons along with a hundred trillion connections, the mind is a dizzyingly complex object. But there are so many other complicated objects in the universe. For example, galaxies can set into enormous constructions which extend for hundreds of millions of light years. The line between these constructions and neighboring stretches of empty space termed cosmic voids may be exceedingly complex. Gravity accelerates issue at these bounds to speeds of tens of thousands of kilometers per second, producing shock waves along with turbulence in intergalactic gases. 

They've predicted the emptiness filament boundary is among the most complicated volumes of the world, as quantified by the number of pieces of info it could take to describe it. Could it be more complicated than the mind?
 The initial results from the comparison between Universe and Human Brain are genuinely surprising: Not only are the complexity of the mind and cosmic web really comparable but are their constructions. The world can be self-evident across scales which differ in size by also a factor of also a billion. 

The task of comparing brains along with clusters of galaxies is also a difficult one. For one thing, it requires dealing with information obtained in drastically various ways! telescopes and numerical simulations, on one hand, electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry, along with functional magnetic resonance on the other. It also requires us to consider enormously different scales: the set of this cosmic web, the large scale structure traced out by all the universes galaxies extends on at least also a few tens of billions of light years. That is 27 orders of magnitude larger than this brain. Also, one of those galaxies is home to billions of actual brains. 

Many natural phenomena aren't equally complex at all scales. The majestic network of this cosmic web becomes evident only when this sky is examined for its largest extent. On smaller scales, with matter closed in stars, planets, and dark issue clouds, this structure is lost. An evolving galaxy doesn't care about this dance of electron orbitals within atoms, along with electrons move around their nuclei with no respect to this galactic system they reside in. 

In this way, the world contains many systems nested to systems, with little to no interaction on different scales. That scale segregation allows us to study physical phenomena as they emerge in their very own natural scales. The building blocks of this cosmic web are this same self-gravitating halos of stars, gas, and dark matter.

Thursday 21 March 2019

Why OM or A-U-M(more accurately pronounced as) known as the sound of Universe or Creation?

OM or AUM was called the Sound of the Universe since it is believed that the entire Universe, in its fundamental form, consists of vibrating, pulsating energy. 

Om is regarded as the humming sound of the cosmic energy and is the most crucial and important word of Mantra tradition. What's more, OM is the most frequently chanted particular sound among all the sacred sounds in the world. This sound is thought of as the sound of the presence also. We're speaking about the most ancient vibratory sound wherein the whole Universe was manifested. It is the particular sound in its purest form which existed even before creation Bigbang when there was only vast emptiness and darkness!

There was a time when nothing existed apart from a deep dark quiet space. Then the very first transformation from un-manifest to manifest is known as Vibration of Sound. And the sound is OM. This is not religious or spiritual, you don't need to worship or pray it. You need to understand it, it takes nothing less than a lifetime, probably! 

For centuries until today, certain yogis and spiritual masters have been drawing inspiration and strength from an unbelievable sonorous vibration. This sound is OM and even the Philosophers, Scientists considering it to be the word by way of that the worlds were created, the origin of language, the clear vision and the intellect of everything. By focusing your thoughts on this sound, it'll act with strength on your own subconscious. Everything, absolutely everything, vibrates to this particular sound. It also represents three stages of sleep, ie: Wakefulness, Dreaming and Deep Dreamless Sleep. 

OM tone has a vibratory massage effect in your organs. The vibrations penetrate the deeper tissues and nerve cells, blood circulation around their body increases, bring much more oxygen to various organs and their secretion of hormonal glands is stimulated. This vibration generates electromagnetic waves that propagate through the body which makes you feel more dynamic and joyful. Most significantly, this amplifies your capability to visualize.